Bad rides?

Yes, they do happen!

What is this web page about?  It’s about me – and my rides, and things I want to talk about.  So what about bad rides?  They do happen.  It’s real.  You get flats, you bonk, you crash, you don’t have power, you overheat, your bike breaks, you get sick – look guys, let’s get real – SHIT HAPPENS!  

For years, I got really upset about bad rides.  Something between “the sky is falling” and “my season is over.”  The simple fact is that this isn’t really rational!  Me getting over a bad ride can take days, weeks – or beyond, but I am trying.  I really am (and I think I am making progress!)

Finally – I do enjoy writing about my endeavors on a bike.  Nobody really reads them, but like it.  I kind of wanted to break free from my old blog and start fresh.  Current riding only.  No history – just bad rides (and good!). I hope you’ll come back from time, and check out the blog!

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